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10-25 发布 320 次浏览 展会信息 信息编号:79




首届国际试剂与应用技术报告会及展览会, 举办时间:-/11/25----/11/28 举办展馆:北京展览馆;中国北京西城区西直门外大街135号 乘车路线 所属行业:化工橡塑 展会城市:北京|北京市 主办单位:中国分析测试协会 承办单位:北京理化分析测试技术学会 举办周期:一年一届 参观登记 展位预订 设计搭建 本展会所属专题:化工展会(3) 展会简介 由中国分析测试协会和国际半导体设备与材料协会主办,中国分析测试协会试剂与应用技术分会(筹)和北京理化分析测试技术学会承办的“第一届国际试剂与应用技术报告会及展览会” 将于11月25日至28日在北京展览馆举办。本次大会将邀请有关专家学者就试剂前沿技术、标准化及我国试剂现状和发展规划等作大会报告,并将安排精彩的专题学术报告。大会将第一次大规模集中展示我国近年来分析、生化、临床检验试剂以及各类特种试剂、中间体、电子化学品、实验室用化学品、标准物质的最新产品和研究成果。本届会议组委会热诚欢迎试剂研究、生产、使用、销售、检测及关心试剂发展的人士前来北京参加化学试剂领域的这一盛会。 Sponsored by China Association for Instrumental Analysis and semiconduct or Equipment and Materials International, or-ized by Reagent and Application -nolo- Branch of China Association for Instrumental Analysis and Beijing Physical & Chemistry -ing -nolo- Society, the 1st International Conference and Exhibition on Reagent and Application -nolo- will be held on Nov. 25-28 ,- at Beijing Exhibition Center in Beijing.This conference and exhibition will invite experts and leaders to make reports on the leading reagent technolo-, standardization, the status of China reagent industry and its d-lopment. Splend academic reports will also be arranged. The exhibition area is about 6000㎡, and it will be the first large scale collection of China la- products and research results on reagents of -ysis, bio-chemistry, clinical -, and other special reagent, intermediate, electronic chemical product, lab-chemical product and standard substance.The or-izing commi- will warmly welcome all, who dedicate to the reagent research, production, usage, sales, -ing and d-lopment, to come to Beijing and participate in this conference of chemical reagent industry. 参展范围 参展范围/Exhibition Contents:分析试剂/Analysis reagent* 生化试剂/Bio-chemical reagent* 临床检验试剂/Clinical - reagent* 微电子试剂及材料/Micro-electronics reagent and material* 校准试剂/Adjusting reagent* 高纯及超纯试剂/- and ultra-pure reagent* 科研用特种试剂/Special reagent for scientific research* 标准物质/Standard substance* 其他工业及实验室用试剂/Reagent for other industries and labs* 试剂制备设备及装置/Device and equipment of reagent preparation* 实验室用品、玻璃仪器及耗材/Labware, glass ware and consumptive materials 参展费用 国际标准展位(3m×3m)[不设9㎡以下展台]:International standard stand(3m×3m)[-aller than 9㎡ is not accepted]国内企业12800元(-)/展位/展期Fee for Chinese enterprise is 12,800 -.境外企业32800元(-)/展位/展期Fee for foreign enterprise is 32,800 -. - 地 址:北京市海淀区西三环北路27号北科大厦一层西厅(邮 编):100089(电 话):010-88517113、010-68731259(传 真):010-68471169(网 址):-://.irace.org-(邮 箱):zy@lab.org- 展位预定: 参观咨询: --> 由于本站部分展会信息来源于会员发布及网络,不完全保证信息的的准确性、真实性,如果您有任何疑问请直接联系展会官方确认。 。尉氏展会信息发布。

尉氏展会信息 首届国际试剂与应用技术报告会及展览会
